Toughened Koi Pond Glass
Looking to enhance your garden landscaping with a sunken garden or a raised pond with a viewing window? Did you know that a variety of toughened laminated glass products from the TuffX Processed Glass range can be used as sturdy pond glass? Whether you’re just getting started or you’re a seasoned Koi keeper, with our high-quality glass that’s easy to clean and maintain, you can have a perfect fish pond.
If you’re an avid pond enthusiast, it can be difficult to find the perfect water feature to complement your garden. Having a pond that’s not only beautiful to look at but simple to install and easy to relocate is important, which is why we have worked tirelessly to bring you the best toughened glass in the industry. If you opt for a variant with a pond window, you’ll find that the serene waterscape can be enjoyed from all vantage points without having to lean over open water.