Fire Rated Glass Floors

Designed for internal installations. Fire Resistant Walk on glass panels can be used to increase the amount of natural light flowing through your home or to compliment a beautiful feature in your home or garden whilst still maintaining safety in the event of a fire breaking out. Our fire rated glass floors have a number of benefits:

  • Fire resistant framed system
  • Available in both 30 & 60 minute insulation and integrity classes
  • All our framed systems are tested to PAS24 – 2016 C4.4.3 Mechanical infill test 4kn / m2
  • Test report can be viewed in the technical file.
  • A range of glass finishes available
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Our fire rated glass floors have been designed with the paramount consideration of protecting life and property.  All our glass floors incorporate a specialist Pilkington glass who are world leaders in glass manufacturing.

As fire takes hold the rapid and dramatic increases in temperature can rise from ambient room temperatures to over 1000° within seconds.

Modern fire strategy demands that different sections of buildings are adequately separated from floor to floor to contain the break out of fire, allowing adequate time for escape or evacuation. Safety is our number one priority when manufacturing these high quality fire rated glass floor panels.